Just to say hello to you all in these very strange times.
We have our biggest challenge yet for our organisation with the restrictions in place during this pandemic.
I want you all to know that nothing has changed as our mission statement says “extending the hand of friendship” to combat loneliness and isolation now means calling your fellow members and staying in touch with each other. Don’t get complacent and say ‘Ah, sure they’re fine’. Make the call. There are so many of us now at home and alone that a phone call would make all the difference to our day.
Remember we are all in this together, think of the great care we are getting from all aspects of our community and especially from our families and appreciate it. It’s a lovely cosy feeling to know how much everyone cares about us.
This is nearer to being over now than when it began in March. Take consolation in that. We are looking at only a few more days to May 5th when there might be an easing of restrictions. Might is the big word. But whatever we are asked to do we will. We will because we care. We care for each other and we care for ourselves. And as this is the best way to contain this virus we will do as advised by our HSE.
I want you all to know you are forever in my thoughts. Our Staff are working from a distance too as our office building is closed for now. Our phone is accessed ongoing so if you need to call please do and you will be contacted. They are sending out news updates as they occur and working away on our programme of events to come when this is over.
Please remember this will be over and we will all get together again to have a whopping big party to celebrate.
Ar scáth a chéile a maireann na daoine. We live in each other’s shelter. That’s a thought for you all to keep in mind.
Anois tabhair aire agus fanaigí slán le chéile.
Kay Murphy, National President Active Retirement Ireland.