Active Retirement Ireland is the national organisation for older people living in Ireland. “Active Retirement Ireland will reach out to all older people to stop loneliness through friendship and support”– Mission Statement, Active Retirement Ireland Strategic Plan
We are a registered charity both with the Charities Regulatory Authority (No. 20051136) and with the Revenue Commissioners (CHY 15090). We are also a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered with the Companies Office Active Retirement Ireland Network, Registered Number 458391).
We are governed in accordance with our Constitution and by our Board which is comprised of people with a direct interest in our mission and vision.
Codes and Guidelines
The following codes and guidelines are a combination of our own devised codes and voluntary codes, which we abide by. Collectively, they ensure that we are treating one another in a fair, honest and respectful manner.
These codes ensure that we achieve our charitable objectives with integrity, efficiency and transparency.
The Board is advised by a number of sub-committees and is responsible for the overall control and strategic direction of the charity. The Board’s decisions are put into effect by the Chief Executive and the Management Team.
Our Board members and members of our sub-committees are volunteers who donate freely their time, skills and experience. None of our Trustees receive any remuneration for their service.
Strategic Plan
Active Retirement Ireland’s Board decides the strategic direction of the organisation, which you can read about in our Strategic Plan.
Standards of Governance
Reassuring our members, supporters and the public about our standards of governance is very important to Active Retirement Ireland.
Active Retirement Ireland operates to the Triple Lock Standard of transparent reporting, good fundraising and good governance.
We comply with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public, issued by the Charities Regulator.
Active Retirement Ireland has adopted and signed up to the Governance Code for the Community and Voluntary Sector and the Charities Regulator Charities Governance Code. Governance Code.
The Charities Regulator Governance Code ensures that we achieve our charitable objectives with integrity efficiency and transparency.
Trustee Resolution 2020
We prepare an annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charities SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice) Standard of Reporting Practice FRS102. Our financial statements are audited annually in accordance with the Charities SORP and the FRS 102 accounting standard. Our current auditors, Crowley’s DFK , are one of Ireland’s leading audit firms. Our audited annual accounts outlining our activities and finances. Our most recent Annual Report is here:
Previous Annual Reports can be read below:
We produce a detailed Active Retirement Members Annual showcasing our activities and events and features from some of our Active Retirement Associations click on year 2019 2017 2016 2015
For further information on our governance, please contact us