The board of Active Retirement Ireland wish to announce that the AGM 2020 to be held in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone has been postponed. This event will be rescheduled for a later date in 2020 depending on advice from the HSE on social gatherings. This decision was taken in light of the seriousness of the Covid-19 virus and the likelihood that the situation could still be serious at the end of April.
We have been informed by the hotel that all deposits can be automatically transferred to our next booking unless you do not wish this. If you require your deposit back do contact the hotel directly.
We will rebook the AGM with Hodson Bay so as to allow a smooth process of rebooking and deposit transfer for you, our members.
We will continue to liaise with the HSE on social isolation and gatherings and when it is safe to do so we will book the event. You will receive plenty of notice on the date and we will keep you on the AGM participant mailing list as the delegate or observer.
We are in strange times and never before has our network of volunteers and members been called to action. Every day we hear stories of how our committees are reaching out to check on members, of how our members are volunteering to help out locally. This is truly what Active Retirement Ireland is about – reaching out with the hand of friendship and support.
When we set the alternative date for AGM 2020 we will celebrate the stories of how this great organisation mobilised to support each other in a time of crisis.
Your National Office will continue to operate for as long as we can to provide up to-date information and support to our members.